Quality Visitors, profiles and statistics
Each IEFT Fair Tour is visited by around 20,000 students and their parents. The students are from very respected universities and high schools of Turkey. Also, because the events are hosted in the business and educational centers of each city we visit, IEFT Fairs are also visited by a number of young and experienced professionals looking for education opportunities abroad. High school and language programs along with Masters and PhD programs are represented proportionately to the program levels being sought by IEFT visitors. IEFT visitors statistics show us 45% of visitors looking for graduate studies, 38% undergraduate, 32 % language studies, 14% summer schools, 20% certificate and diploma and internship programs, and 5% high school programs. The countries are interest; Australia 25, Canada 32%, China 7%, Estonia 7%, France 11%, Ireland 8%, Italy15%, Germany 35%, The Netherlands 25, Malaysia 8%, New Zealand 8%, Russia 5%, Ukraine 8%, Spain 12%, Switzerland 8%, UK 64%, USA 60, Others 6%