“Four Pillars” at IEFT - Find out what it is here!

“Four Pillars” at IEFT - Find out what it is here!

“Four Pillars” at IEFT - Find out what it is here!  

At this event, we will focus on 4 main areas: “undergraduate”, “postgraduate”, “language &summer schools” and “high school programs”

-Postgraduate Programs: Our surveys shows that fall is the time when most postgraduate students look for programs. You will be able to meet highly motivated students from the most prestigious universities of Turkey as well as young professionals exploring their future study/career options. Our statistics show that more than 40% of our visitors are asking for postgraduate programs during the fall fairs. The most popular branches for postgraduate study are business and management, engineering and other technical fields, medicine and other medical fields, and social sciences and humanities.

-Undergraduate Programs: Compared to the prior years, there is a great increase in the interest for undergraduate programs. At last October’s fair around 35 % of our visitors showed interest in undergraduate programs. Also these are the target groups for foundation and A level programs. The most popular branches for undergraduate courses are: law, computer science and information technology, media and communications, business and management. We carefully organize our domestic marketing in order to bring the most prestigious high school students with their parents. We believe bringing the parents to the fair is extremely helpful for recruiting undergraduate students. In the end, the parents are the decision makers at undergraduate level.

-High School Programs: The interest for international secondary education has been rapidly increasing in Turkey. In the prior years the interest was around 5%but right now it is around 14-15% at our fairs. Wee are expecting this will increase due to Turkey’s huge young population and the competitive environment in Turkey. At the last fair, around 11,000 people visited the fairs on the weekend in Istanbul and around 2500 of them were part of families. Again like the undergraduate level, at the high school level the decision makers are the parents so our target is to bring more families who have an International mindset and budget to send their children abroad. In our recent fairs we had high schools from the UK, Canada, the USA, Switzerland and they were quite happy with the quality and level of interest from students. 

-Language and Summer School Programs:  In Turkey, English Language skills are still very low by international standards, so English programs will  always be popular at the recruitment events. The main motivation of language course students is to improve their language skills, have further studies abroad or at home, have a better career, and improve themselves socially. Turkey sends almost 50,000 students each year  abroad for language and summer school programs. The age group is from 7 to 40. At the IEFT fairs  around 55% of the  attendees are interested in language programs and language summer camps. Fall is a great timing to recruit for long-term language programs. The average stay for Turkish students in language programs are 12 weeks; however, in fall fairs the registrations are for longer periods of study.