Family Oriented Events
We believe that parents are the most influential decision makers particularly for undergraduate, high school and junior language school studies; therefore, we pay special attention in order to bring more parents to our events with their children. In the last IEFT fairs we had around 2,500 family members who are interested in study abroad and have the means to send their children abroad, and IEFT is happy to be the most family-oriented student recruitment fair in the region. International high school programs and international undergraduate studies are an increasing trend in Turkey, and it seems like more parents are considering international high school programs and universities.. In addition, we expect this interest will increase and be reflected in our Fall 2020 IEFT events. These families are also excellent targets for academic programs in the long run. Our evaluations and fair surveys show that many parents are more likely to create a long-term education plan for their kids and IEFT gives them the best opportunity to meet education providers from all over the world. Once again in the upcoming IEFT, there will be specific domestic marketing promotions and targeted campaigns to get prospective students and their parents to attend.