33rd IEFT Past Exhibitors

UK - İngiltere
BPP University
Birkbeck, University of London
The City Law School - City, University of London
Coventry University 
De Montfort University
Middlesex University
Nottingham Trent University
QA higher Education -Northumbria University
QA higher Education - Roehampton University
University of Bolton
University of Brighton
University of East Anglia
University of Southampton
University of Plymouth
University of Liverpool - ELC
University of Essex
University of West of Scotland
Queen Mary University of London
The University of Glasgow
University of Nottingham
"CATS College and Cambridge school of Visual and Performing Artsts"
David Game College
Mill Hill College
D'Overbroeck's College
Bucksmore Education
King's College Saint Michaels
Queen Ethelburga's College
St. Michael's School
Woodbridge School
University of Manchester
City university of London
Newcastle university
Queens university Belfast
University of east Anglia
University of sterling
EC English Language Centres
Embassy English Dil Okulu
Kaplan International English
Kaplan International Pathway 
Bournemouth university
Glasgow university
University of Nottingham
University of York
University of west of England
LAL Language Center
London School of Commerce
LSI - Language Studies International
New College Group
OHC English and Sol Camps
Oxford International 
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS
Stafford House International
St Giles International
The Language Gallery
British Council IELTS

USA - Amerika
George Mason University
INTO University Partnerships
Johnson and Wales University
Marshall University
Stony Brook University, SUNY
Pepperdine University School of Law
Saint Louis University
University at Buffalo, SUNY
University of California, Irvine
University of Michigan - Flint, English Language Program 
University of South Florida
Webster University
University of Concordia Chiago
Study California 
Learning House International
    Point Park University, Pittsburgh
    West Virginia State University
    Virginia Wesleyan University
    Alvernia University
    Concordia University

Highline College
Orange Coast College
Student Management Group - High School Programs
The Newman School
The Knox School 
FLS International - Amerika Dil Okulları
    Tennesse Tech University
Citrus college
Tennesse tech university
Saint peter’s university
Saddleback college
Boston commons college
Colorado state university
Drew university
George mason university
Marshall university
Oregon state university
Saint louise university
Suffolk university boston
University of Alabama Birmingham
University of south florida
Washington state university
EC English Language Centres
Embassy English Dil Okulu
Kaplan International English
Kaplan International Pathway 
Northeastern university
Pace university
University of Tulsa
LAL Language Center
LSI - Language Studies International
OHC English and Sol Camps
Oxford International 
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS
Stafford House International
St Giles International
Talk English Schools
U.S Consulate General in Istanbul
ETS - TOEFL® and GRE® Tests
Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®)
"AGEN Consulting - International Doorway 
ABD’de Sporcu, Lisans ve Lisansüstü Burslar"
Fulbright Eğitim Komisyonu

Canada - Kanada
Canadian Consulate General
University of Toronto,ELC
York University
The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Red River College
Centennial College
Burnaby School of District
Keystone International Schools Toronto
London International Academy
St. John's-Kilmarnock School (SJK)
VGC International College
Languages Canada
College Platon
George Brown College
Global Village English Center
International House Vancouver
LaSalle College
Niagara College
Saint George International College SGIC 
ILSC - International Language School of Canada
ILAC - International Language Academy of Canada
      University of New Brunswick
      University of Ontario Institute of Technology
      University of Windsor
      University of Winnipeg
      University Canada West
      Trent University
      SAIT Polytechnic
      Laurentian University

Nova Scola Education Consulting Inc
Can.be Yurtdışı Eğitim
Viamonde International Liseler Grubu

Germany - Almanya
Gisma Business School Germany
Goethe-Institut Istanbul
DAAD – Alman Akademik Değişim Servisi
Avrupa'da Yurtdışı Eğitim - Avusturya ve Almanya Üniversiteleri
LSI - Language Studies International
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS 

Austria - Avusturya
AdvantageAustria – Avusturya’da Eğitim
    IMC Fachhochschule Krems GmbH
    Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol Bildungs GmbH
    FH OÖ Management GmbH, University of Applied Sciences Upper 
    Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH
    Sprachenzentrum Universität Wien
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck - Die Unternehmerische Hochs

Avrupa'da Yurtdışı Eğitim - Avusturya ve Almanya Üniversiteleri

Australia - Avustralya
University of Melbourne
Hawthorn Melbourne 
Victoria University Sydney (ECA)
ELS Universal English College (Sydney)
Greenwich College (Sydney-Melbourne)
International House Sydney
International Language School of Canada - ILSC
Kaplan International English
Murdoch institute of technology
University of Adelaide
LSI - Language Studies International
OHC English and Sol Camps
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS
Hub Edu Avustralya Eğitim ve Kariyer Danışmanlığı

Sweden - İsveç
Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul
Study in Sweden
Jönköping University
SwedenEdu-İsveç'te Eğitim

France - Fransa
CampusFrance – Fransa Büyükelçiliği 
LSI - Language Studies International
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS 
Mosaic Yurtdışı Eğitim -  Fransa'da Eğitim

Hungary - Macaristan
Budapest Metropolitan University 
Eötvös Loránd University
Meda Macaristan 
    University of Debrecen
    IBS- International Businees School

Ireland - İrlanda
The International School of English
Kaplan Language School
LAL Language Centre
Marketing English in Ireland
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS 

Switzerland - İsviçre
HTMI Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland
Hochalpines Institut Ftan-International Boarding School and Sports Academy
IMI - International Management Institute Switzerland
Swiss Education Group
    César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
    Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
    Hotel Institute Montreux
    IHTTI School Of Hotel Management
    Swiss Hotel Management School
    Swiss Education Academy

Scotland – İskoçya
University of West of Scotland

Spain - İspanya
EU Business School
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS 

Italy - İtalya
Florence University of the Arts 
Pisa Educazione Eğitim Danışmanlık
SPD Scuola Politecnica Di Design

American University of Malta
ICTQ Malta Language of School 
EC English Language Centres 
LAL Language Centre
LSI - Language Studies International
Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS 

South Africa - Güney Afrika
Study English in South Africa
EC English Language Centres 
LAL Language Centre

China - Çin
China Education

Russia - Rusya
HSE University St. Petersburg
Skyedu-Rusyada Eğitim
Study in Russia

Ukraine - Ukrayna
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Odessa Mechkinov National University
LLC Business Center INGEK
Arman Education Plus

United Arab Emirates - Arap Emirlikleri
Effat University
Middlesex University 

Poland - Polonya
Perspektywy Education Foundation/ Program "Study in Poland"
      Medical University of Gdansk
      Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
      Study in Lublin
      Cracow University of Technology
      Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
      Poznan University of Technology
      Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
      Radom Academy of Economics
      University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin

WSB Universities Poland
Medical University of Warsaw
Warsaw Management University
Polonya KÜLTÜR / University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw
Medical University of Lublin-Asia Pacific Center

Czech Republic - Çek Cumhuriyeti
Study in Prauge
Czech Technical University (CTU)
University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT)
University of Economics, Prague

Lithuania - Litvanya
Study in Lithuania
    Education Exchanges Support foundation
    Vytautas Magnus University
    ISM University of Management and Economics
    Mykolas Romeris University
    International School of Law and Business
    Šiauliai University
    Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering University of Applied Sciences
    Vilniaus universitetas
    Kaunas University of Technology
    Klaipėda University
    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
    Alytaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences
    Vilnius Business College
    SMK University of Applied Science

Romania - Romanya
West University of Timisoara

New Zeland - Yeni Zellanda
LSI - Language Studies International

The Netherlands - Hollanda
Study in Holland

Turkey - Türkiye 
Academy Universal Yurtdışı Eğitim
Aktif Yurtdışı Eğitim
ALES Yurtdışı Eğitim 
Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı - Jean Monnet Burs Programı 
Draft Yurtdışı Eğitim Danışmanlığı 
eğitimAL Yurtdışı Eğitim
ICES Turkey Yurtdışı Eğitim ve Kariyer
Prontoitalia Milano
Setur Eğitim Hizmetleri
Study Tur Yurtdışı Eğitim ve Danışmanlık 
BEB ( Birleşik Krallık Üniversiteleri Danışmanlık ve Başvuru Merkezi)
Berlitz İstanbul
Global Vizyon Yurtdışı Eğitim
Mosaic Yurtdışı Eğitim
Oxford House Work and Travel 
Turkish Student International Education Magazine