Study in Germany Village

Study in Germany Village

Since 2001, IEFT has been hosting student recruitment fairs twice in a year, here in Turkey, attracting around 20,000 students and 200 exhibitors per fair. We are proud to say that these numbers have secured IEFT International Education Fairs of Turkey as the biggest and most successuful fair in Turkey!

Every year approximately 10-15 German institutions join us for IEFT fairs. Our 2018 report shows that more than 25% of our visitors are interested in study in Germany.  Because of this interest, we would like to see more German institutions joining us in the hope of meeting the demand that we see from Turkish students. 

In IEFT 2019 Fall fair, we organized a “Study in Germany” Village with the support and participation of DAAD, to showcase education in Germany which offers special discount, promotion and special section for German Institutions.

We would love to see more German Institutions to meet their potential students in this rapidly growing village.

Some of our past exhibitors from Germany ;

DAAD Istanbul & Ankara, FHWS University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, FaDaF - Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Hochschule Offenburg, Goethe-Institut Istanbul,  Das Spracheninstitut DSI, General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Turkey  Sprachcaffe/Geos Languages PLUS  Expert Education Services, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gemeinnützige GmbH Partner University, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management University of Applied Management Studies, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Wilhelm Büchner University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Offenburg University, Bucerus Law School, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Study in Baden-Württemberg, South West Germany, University of Freiburg, Macromedia University of Media and Communication, Freie Universität Berlin - Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies, ESMT European School of Management and Technology,  International School of Management, TestDaF-Institut, Universität Bielefeld, Universität Konstanz, Kühne Logistics University - THE KLU, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Freshman Institute, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Karlshochschule International University, FHDW - Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft, Bergisch Gladbach, HSBA Hamburg School of BusinessHamburg, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg, Hof University of Applied Sciences, etc.


Why should you be a part of IEFT Fairs?

  • Prestigious and Comfortable Venues
  • High Quality, Fee-Paying Students
  • Most Family Oriented Events of Turkiye
  • Innovative Domestic Marketing Concept
  • Smart Data Collection Technology / QR Code App
  • Friendly and Expert Team
  • Best International Sponsors and Partners
  • High School and University Visits
  • Exclusive Social Activities and Tours
  • Ready Set-up Concept  “Just Bring Yourself, IEFT Will Take Care of the Rest”


IEFT Fairs Fee Includes;

  • Exhibition Stand: Booth/table setup, participation for 2 representatives per institution.
  • Lunch and Refreshments: Open buffet lunch, tea & coffee service during the fair days.
  • Institution Profile Listing: Institution profile listing in the IEFT Catalog and our visitor website (
  • Networking Opportunities: IEFT networking events and rich social activities.
  • Stand Dressing: Your booth roll-up will be printed by IEFT, you can just send us the ready artwork with high resolution in pdf.